. . . actually, everything in existence does exactly the same thing. Everything is simply unfolding-arriving-manifesting out of nothingness . . .
It's raining here; six thirty on a Sunday morning on the Herts-Essex border, not far outside London, England and here I am pressing keys on my PC . . simply being here and enjoying the moment . . but, there's always a but, even if you're not a goat, I appear to be message-less. 1Messageless-Yogi2Many, ha, ha . . .
How beautiful, WOW, this is liberation . . I don't even have to have a message anymore, Wow, this is truly liberating . . . and wonderful indeed . . I always had something to say in the past . . ha, ha, the past, which doesn't even exist anymore . . . Woo-Hoo . . .
I have no message!
I never really had a message!!
There never will be a message!!!
Also, I'm not seeking anything. Seeking sort of lapsed long ago when I had the direct non experience of The Eternal Moment. The Eternal Moment . . . three words that simply describe all there is . . . but even they fail miserably to convey that which the seeker(?) needs to realise (or doesn't need to realise, ahem).
Ah, it seems that I'll write about that then:
The Eternal Moment.
What is Eternal is that which has no beginning and no end. It is this Moment, right here and now, but freed from a last moment that has never existed (although thinking is kind of convinced that it did exist), and free from an imagined future moment that is never going to exist (although thinking is kind of convinced that it will exist).
There is NO chain of moments!
There never has been a chain of moments!!
There never will be a future chain of moment!!!
There is only this, which may appear to your mind to be a moment in time . . . but there is, in reality . . . no such thing as time. Oh dear, how could I say such a thing? The cat is out of the bag, well, I'm sure I'm not the first to say such a thing as there is no such thing as time, but of course we all know that we live by time, don't we? We all have calenders, diaries, watches and clocks . . . devices created by the mind of Man to help affirm the existence of a concept created by the mind of Man. It's OK, I won't deny the existence of linear or chronological time, so don't worry, your mind will be left with some hope to cling to ;-) . . .
. . . if it's hope you're looking for? Well, is it? What do you think man's concept of time was created for? I'll let you into a little secret, it was created by Man to give himself some kind of hope for a future that does not exist . . . except within his own imagination, of course. The non existence of time, what does that mean for you then? It means that when you drop time, when you are no longer clinging to a past that is no more, or to a future that will never be, then you'll simply be and that will be the end of hope for you.
There is no hope!
There never was any hope!!
There never will be any hope!!!
So, there you go, all there really is is what is unfolding, which is this. Everything else is unreal. It is all bullshit. That's right, it is all the bullshit created by your mind, the mind of man, to give you some kind of false hope for a future that doesn't exist except as an aspect of your imagination. And we all know that imagination is not real, is it? If it were real it would not be called our imagination, ha, ha . . well I imagine that it wouldn't anyway . . . ;-)
So, where were we? Oh yes, let's recap:
I have NO message.
There is no chain of moments.
Which, by default, would mean that there is no such thing as time, right?
And without time you have no hope.
Basically you're totally, Fcuk'd . . .
. . . but don't worry, don't be overly concerned by any of this non message stuff I'm scrawling on my PC, it's all so much BS in itself. The fact is though, that this non message BS is also all there is unfolding here . . .