Sunday, 21 August 2011

1Yogi2Many Is Now on Facebook . . .

Whereas I only blog about once a month, I'm on facebook everyday .  . so I've decided to make 1Yogi2Many a facebook activity . .

I'll still post my monthly something on here, but on facebook there'll be daily posts about all aspects of life and living in the man made world, a seriously twisted mix of the real and surreal!

It's already up and running, here's a taster:

OK, I've been involved in Yoga since I was thirteen . . which evolved into Meditation and Self-Knowledge etc. over the years.

There comes a point where one realizes that there is NO label fitting for who or what one 'is'.

At this point the realisation is that one 'is' . . simply 'is' . . what is!
Also, one simply realizes that one truly Knows Nothing . .

. . which is why I say, "I know Nothing". And I do, I know 'Nothing' intimately, for it is ones very essence: It is what one 'is'. But no label fits perfectly ha, ha :-)

That may sound strange, weird even bizarre, but it is nonetheless the truth of One, or Oneness!

Many thanks go to Surjit Singh for posting the image above on facebook, 
you may have noticed that I've adopted it, 
well it says it all really! 

1Yogi2Many is now on facebook, you can join him here:
It would be great to have you join us.
